Since we started the Masters Program this past fall, we have been fortunate to have these wonderful female artists sharing their knowledge with us:
Mónica Rikic – Lecturer Design && Technology I
Monica is a new media artist and creative coder from Barcelona. Her practice focuses on code, electronics and non-digital objects for creating interactive projects often framed as experimental games, which aim to go beyond the game itself. From educational to sociological approaches, her interest lies in the de-hierarchization of traditional art relations. She has participated in numerous festivals such Ars Electronica, Japan Media Arts Festival, FILE Festival or Sónar, among others, and held residencies at TAG Montreal, the EMARE Residency at QUT (Brisbane) and at Ars Electronica Futurelab. Currently, she is working on a research project about digital arts with a grant from BBVA Foundation .
Janne Nora Kummer – Research Fellow, Lecturer Erzählende Dramaturgie && neue Medien und Gesellschaft
Janne Nora Kummer is a director, and a performance and multimedia artist. She studied stage and costume design, video and media art at the Academy of Art Berlin Weißensee and the University of the Arts Berlin. She continued studying directing at the University of Performing Arts Ernst Busch Berlin and went on exchange to study dance and choreography at the DDSKS Copenhagen. In her work, she entangles different types of media with performance art and explores the consequences of the usage of technical devices and the internet on the individual and society. Her works have been shown at Maxim Gorki Theater, Ballhaus Ost, Sophiensäle, the Berlin State Opera and the Thalia Theater Hamburg. She is a research fellow in the Digitalisation Programm of the DCP Berlin, where she will be researching the perception of (female) bodies in the age of digitalisation. She is a member of virtuellestheater and since 2017 chairperson of the executive board of virtuellestheater e.V.
Christiane Hütter – Lecturer Spiel && Theater
Christiane Hütter/ Frau Hue is a worldbuilder. She explores, questions and (re)invents systems with the means of art, game design and storytelling – using social cooperation. Her works cover a wide range of formats from urban games, fictive organizations, citywide revitalizing festivals and playful settings for urban participation. She studied scriptwriting and holds a diploma in psychology (thesis “Press play for PTSD prevention”) Besides writing a crime series episode “Tatort (Heimatfront, 2011)” about traumatized Afghanistan soldiers and working as lead writer for the interdisciplinary research institute Climate Media Factory she has been designing games since 2010.
Anna Schulin-Zeuthen – Lecturer Workshop AR && VR, Hybride Formen
Anna Schulin-Zeuthen is a director working in theatre, performance art and film. Bringing bachelor’s degrees in rhetoric and theatrical history from University of Copenhagen, Anna graduated as director from Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts, where she primarily worked with art of the stage.However, she also had the opportunities to do experiments with Virtual Reality and Motion Capture, primarily focusing on investigating the new medium’s potential in live-performance. Anna has since directed both stage art, VR-performances and -film, and is presently working on a performance integrating AR.
Sarah Buser -Lecturer Workshop AR && VR, Hybride Formen
Sarah Busers Arbeiten bewegen sich an der Schnittstelle von Theater und neuen Medien. Durch Creative Coding und inszenierte Situationen werfen sie Fragen auf, die sich mit der Beschaffenheit unserer Wirklichkeit auseinandersetzen. Nach dem Studium der Germanistik und Philosophie, schloss sie den Master in Dramaturgie an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ab und entwickelt seither in unterschiedlichen Konstellationen Erlebnisse, die die unsere Wahrnehmung herausfordern. Sie erhielt 2015 den Kulturförderpreis des Kantons Solothurn und arbeitete von 2015 bis 2017 für das Theaterfestival AUAWIRLEBEN in Bern. Zur Zeit lebt und arbeitet sie in Basel.
Thank you for all that you shared with us in the past months.