Dear all!
This week I spent at “Directors in TYA” an international exchange held by the German ASSITEJ (International Association of Theatre for children and young audience) and hosted by Theater Strahl Berlin this year. They invited around 30 directors from 22 countries around the world who work in theatre for a young audience to spent a week together, do workshops, watch performances, share their work, simply, to connect. It has been a really exciting and impressive week and you can imagine that I didn’t read any article. I also didn’t have any time to reflect the experiences yet. So I’m struggling what I could write for you or even recommend you. So this is gonna be a short weekend reading.
A quote that I picked up this week and I love to share with you is:
Bad English is the language of the future.
It makes me much more comfortable to write the weekend reading in English.
At “Directors in TYA” I got to know Thom Browning from Australia who is doing immersive audio works for a young audience with his company “Imaginary Theatre” in Brisbane. He talked about a project they did a couple of years ago “The voice in the walls“. In our collaboration with the “Center for Literature. Burg Hülshoff” one question is how digital media influences the future museum. This project reminded me of that question. Maybe you like to check it out. They are having another ongoing research project called “Circle” which reminds me of our great interactive flying object “Olli”. Thom also recommended me an Australian Magazine which regularly publishes articles on (digital media) art called RealTime. I didn’t have time to check it out yet but maybe you do this weekend!
Have a great time until next week!