The first impetus for the Free Forms project for me was to work with and change the space we are used to. The plan was to work with the architecture and planning of the city because all residents interact with space in one way or another and depend on it. To do this, it was necessary to scan a particular area of the map and transfer it to Blender for further modification.
But after that, the question arises as to how I will change the shape of houses and neighbourhoods, as well as the way I will interact with the participants. Natural forms, more rounded, immediately come to mind, which are wanted to be repeated, imitating nature.
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But when you want to transform a large, complex model, you first need to know what it consists of. To do this, you need to break it down into smaller objects and understand how they are connected. And this connection mechanism turned out to be very interesting and central to my work with 3D modelling.
So I started modelling simple objects like an octopus (which you can see in the photo). After modelling the tentacles, you start thinking about how they are attached to the body and the body to the head. Thanks to 3D, you can radically change the design of a node or object as a whole. After all, the interaction between the viewer and the performer, the plot twist, and the interaction of the actors are large nodes that make up a more holistic model.