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September 4-8, 2024
Ars Electronica Festival, Linz /AT
The performances shown are the result of process-oriented research that brings together participatory theatre, sociology, speculative dramaturgy, technology, and new media. The theatrical performances range from the confrontation with wishes and dreams to the unpredictable social games of life and feminist sci-fi worldbuilding – every aspect can be experienced. Risks are to be taken, dreams are to be had, wishes are to be realized, fortunes to be won, new worlds to be built!
Theatre is a social art form in which co-poietic feedback loops between various physicalities can be tested as indisputable concepts. Exploring technology as a tool for translation into new experiences and social relationships is at the heart of the Spiel && Objekt MA programme. Spiel && Objekt believes that the combination of technology, critique, and theatrical methods enables genuine participation and interpersonal and interspecies connections that critically reflect different aspects of society and our environment.
Audiences will explore unknown worlds, immerse themselves in dreams, uncover their desires and compete for prizes. With every show, participants get a chance to playfully “turn the tide” and change the course of events. There are contexts, technologies and tools to try out as “carriers of hope”.
Our campus space will constantly change, with various time-based and interactive performances available at selected times. The space will change from futuristic feminist worlds to strange planets to dreamscapes and games of chance. Despite their diversity, all the settings and performances will constantly complement each other when viewed individually.
Mari Hakyopan (Spiel und Objekt)
Friedel Hänsel (Spiel und Objekt)
Veronika Rišňovská (Spiel und Objekt)
Leonie Kopineck (Spiel und Objekt)
Jonas Olbrich (Spiel und Objekt)
Jeffrey van der Geest (Spiel und Objekt)
Cecilia Xuetong
Helena Zaïda
Szerafina Schiesser
Frederik Britzlmair
Alissa Schaaf
Taale Frese
Paul Voell
Jonas Roscher
Ella Shields
Angelica Black
Rohan Mirkovic

Masterabschluss Spiel && Objekt von Jonas Olbrich / Photo Credit: Maximilian Grosser / HfS Ernst Busch Berlin
Fortune’s Crumbs
Jonas Olbrich (DE)
The neoliberal ideology tells the fairytale of a world in which everyone can make it. In reality, however, injustice is increasing every day. This is because no effort is made to actually reward hard work. Would it even be credible to reward hard work in a meritocratic society based on the division of labour?
Fortunately, the days of injustice are over. Whether you call it God, fate, or providence, chance takes care of the distribution issue. Chance shapes society without merit. Chance decides what is fair.

Masterabschluss Spiel && Objekt von Friedel Hänsel, Leonie Kopineck und Vero Roza / Photo Credit: Maximilian Grosser / HfS Ernst Busch Berlin
There always will have been worlds
Friedel Hänsel (DE), Leonie Kopineck (DE), Vero Roza
Risnovska (SK)
Everything that breathes cares and is cared for. You enter a world and merge with it – a society shaped through care, through action but also inaction. The simple acts of collective and individual efforts can change the world.
There always will have been worlds is a participatory theater piece that explores the thin lines and boundaries between caring, carrying, and controlling. It is a playful event that experiments with sensors, bodies, sounds, and wearables and their connections to a three-dimensional virtual world.

Masterabschluss Spiel && Objekt von Mari Hakopyan / Photo Credit: Maximilian Grosser / HfS Ernst Busch Berlin
Mari Hakopyan (UA)
In the fabric of existence, woven with threads of intention, lies the profound influence of wishes.
Yet, the journey of a wish is not merely unidirectional. Just as wishes shape matter, so does matter mold wishes reciprocally. Harness the transformative power of loose sand to build and destroy everything your world should consist of fluently.
As we navigate the labyrinth of life, let us remember the impact of our wishes, like the transformative power of loose sand. Embrace this power so that they can shape our existence.

Masterabschluss Spiel && Objekt von Jeffrey van der Geest / Photo Credit: Maximilian Grosser / HfS Ernst Busch Berlin
Slaap Lekker
Jeffrey van der Geest (NL/AU)
Grieving is hard. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry, sometimes we can’t escape, and sometimes we just feel. It can even happen that the people we have lost visit us in our dreams. Is it our subconscious playing a trick on us, a touch of hope, or perhaps a silent message trying to reach us? Imagine if we could pause for a moment instead of simply moving on and cast renewed access into those dreams. What if we could create our flow of subconscious as a virtual space to hear the stories of those who have experienced grief?